Saturday, November 18, 2006


be the change

somehow I happened upon this page while enjoying my spicy string beans:

herbal boiling machine

David - this is for you - please reveal the sky version secret to concocting the herbals.

Acupuncture Herbs Herbal Medicine

The herbal medicine electric boiling machine is for sales by order at US 99 plus corrier service (charge transport). The boiler will stop boiling when the water inside goes down to about 200 ml. You start boiling the herbs with about 1,250 ml. of water. Then it will keep warm until you switch off the electric.

THE COURSE (Acupuncture Herbal Medicine)

THE TOLE Institute has been conducting complete courses of acupuncture and herbal medicine in English and have offered Internationally in Malaysia.

The Institute is being equiped with the most modern equipments, such as computer, channel detector, electro stimulator.

THE TOLE Institute of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is located at The Specialist Centre in Menara Promet, at the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur (Opposite K.L. Wisma Genting).

After Completion of assessment The Quilified acupuncturist will be able to handle more than 100's of different types of diseases, and will see in practise how Master treats all the uncureble diseases like diabetic, Slipped Disc, allzheimeirs etc,etc.

The top chinese acupuncture course and chinese herbal medicine in malaysia available for training acupuncture course chinese herbal medicine. Only for those who realy wants to cure patients and with a good heart.

Acupuncture Course- THE INSTITUTE

Acupuncture Course Programme - THE TOLE INSTITUTE has set programmes to promote development of acupuncture and herbal medicine. In order to achieve a high standard of practice, we have special courses designed for Chinese physicians, Acupuncture Practisional and students in kuala lumpur, malaysia.

Our centre has been officiated by Health Minister Y.A.B. Dato' Lee Kim Sai at the opening ceremony on 31st January 1993 (inpractise 145 years). Master Leong intended to share his forefather's expertise by conducting a formal training institute for those who interested to learn acupuncture skills and have a GOOD HEART.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Analysis of the Crisis and its Solution

The planetary crisis exists because the dominant species (homo sapiens) is operating by artificial (mechanistic), irregular and erroneous timing standards about which it is unconscious. Operating unconsciously by these deviant timing standards, which it understands as “normal” and second nature, results in aberrant forms of species-wide behavior. This behavior causes an increasing dependence upon artificial factors that remove the species from the natural order (biosphere) through the creation of institutions and mental states that devalue natural intelligence while irrevocably consuming resources that produce forms of pollution that are intrinsically unmanageable. This is what is referred to as a biosphere-threatening disorder.

Christian Science - Christian or Cult?*

Healing became a major distinctive of Christian Science.

According to Eddy Baker, the central fact of the Bible is the superiority of spiritual over physical power. The spiritual superiority is evident in other ways than healing. Telepathy is practiced in Christian Science treatment, and may be considered a form of psychic healing.

Christian Science claims to prove through the healing of disease and other difficulties that the understanding of God and his spiritual creation is as effective now as it was in Jesus' time. Its adherents, therefore, rely on "divine law" in times of sickness instead of resorting to medical and other material means. Christian Scientists do not use doctors, medicine, or immunizations.

Christian Science Practitioners are used to " help people through the false reality of illness." Instead, proper prayer and training are employed to battle the "non-reality" of illness.

Swami Vivekananda said:

"Religion deals with the truths of the metaphysical world, just as chemistry and the other natural sciences deal with the truth of the physical world. The book one must read to learn chemistry is the book of (external) nature. The book from which to learn religion is your own mind and heart. The sage is often ignorant of physical science, because he reads the wrong book - the book within and the scientist is too often is ignorant of religion, because he, too, reads the wrong book - the book without".


Micro-waved Water

See What it does to Plants!

Our thanks to Marshall Dudley of Knoxville, TN for sharing his grand daughter, Arielle Reynolds’ experiment with us. Both Arielle’s mother, Christina, and Grandpa Have much to be proud of. Congratulations, Arielle, well done!

Below is a sience fair project that my granddaughter did for 2006. In it she took filered water and divided it into two parts. The first part she heated to boiling in a pan on the stove, and the second part she heated to boiling in a microwave. Then after cooling she used the water to water two identical plants to see if there would be any difference in the growth between the normal boiled water and the water boiled in a microwave. She was thinking that the structure or energy of the water may be compromised by microwave. As it turned out, even she was amazed at the difference.

The plants were genetically identical, they were produced from grafts from the same parent plant, so that variable can be eliminated.

One week old "clippings" Although both clippings are alive the Microwave water one is wilted and unhealthy, while the purified one is pecky and healthy

Here's a simple test I just read about which coincides with Walt's comments: Plant some seeds in 2 pots. Water one with the cooled water that was microwaved and one that's from the tap. The seeds watered from the microwaved water will not sprout. I tried this comparing microwaved water as compared to conventional heating and it's true - the microwaved water prevented the seeds from growing! There is something to this. After having used a microwave for 15 years religiously, I finally stopped 2 1/2 years ago after doing some research. There is a wealth of info on the net about how microwaved food is chemically altered, etc. I just figured why not err on the side of caution and use other means of cooking. I use a flashbake oven which uses halogen light technology. The seeds sprouted when using water from this oven.

- Posted by Gregory


Space has only one property. It is called sound.

Sounds – Seven Original (Musical) Notes

Sound inheres like the Supreme Being in all space though attached especially to drums and other instruments. Whatever sound is heard from drums small and large, and conchs, and clouds, and cars, and animate and inanimate creatures, are all included in these seven kinds of sound already enumerated. Thus, sound, which is the property of space, is of various kinds. The learned have said sound to be born of space. When raised by the different kinds of touch, which is the property of the wind, it may be heard. It cannot, however, be heard, when the different kinds of touch are inceptive. The elements, mingling with their counterparts in the body, increase and grow. Water, fire, wind are always awake in the bodies of living creatures. They are the roots of the body.

The Destructive Effects of Rock Music

From The Secret Life of Plants
by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird

Mrs. Rattallack ran a series of trials with sweet corn, squash, petunias, zinnias and marigolds. Under controlled experiments, playing of rock music caused some of the plants at first to grow either abnormally tall and put out excessively small leaves, or remain stunted. Within a fortnight all the marigolds had died, but only six feet away identical marigolds, enjoying the classical strains by Hayden, Beethoven, Brahms, Schubert etc., were flowering. More interestingly, Mrs Rattallack found that, even during the first week, the rock music-stimulated plants were using much more water than classically entertained vegetation. Despite this an examination of the roots on the eighteenth day revealed that soil growth was sparse in the well watered group, averaging only about an inch, whereas in the second, it was thick, tangled and about four times as long.

Acid Rock Music

Further experiments in which Mrs. Rattallack submitted her plants to Acid Rock Music, a particularly raucous and percussive type of music that subordinates harmony to volume and tempo, revealed that all the plants leaned away from this cacophony. When she rotated all the pots 180 degrees, the plants leaned decidedly in the opposite direction. The plants were definitely reacting to the sounds of rock music. Mrs.Retallack guessed that it might be the percussive component in the music that so jarred her plants and she therefore started yet another experiment. Selecting the familiar Spanish tune, ‘La Paloma’ she played one version of it played on steel drums to one chamber of plants and another version played on strings to a second. The percussion caused a lean of ten degrees away from the vertical, which was very little in comparison with the rock; but the plants listening to the fiddles leaned fifteen degrees towards the source of the music. At eighteen day repeat of the same experiment using twenty five plants per chamber including squash from seed, and flowering and leafy type plants from green houses, produced largely similar results.

trees have vision

Trees Have Life

From the Mahabharata
Santi Parva, Section CLXXXIV
Translated by Sri Kisari Mohan Gaguli

Bhardwaja said: When the high-souled Brahman has created thousands of creatures, why is it that only these five elements which he created first, which pervade all the universe and which are great creatures, have come to have the name of creatures applied to them exclusively?

Brigu said: All things that belong to the category of the Infinite or the Vast receive the appellation of 'Great'. It is for this reason that these five elements have come to be called Great Creatures. Activity is wind. The sound that is heard is space. The heat that is within it is fire. The liquid juices occurring in it are water. The solidified matter, viz., flesh and bones, are earth. The bodies (of living creatures) are thus made of the five (primeval) elements. The five senses also of living creatures partake of the five elements. The ear partakes of the properties of space, the nose of earth the tongue of water touch of wind and the eyes of light (of fire).

Bharadwaj said: If all mobile and immobile objects be composed of these five elements, why is it that in all immobile objects those elements are not visible? Trees do not appear to have any heat. They do not seem to have any motion. They are again made up of dense particles. The five elements are not noticed in them. Trees do not hear, they do not see, they are not capable of perceptions of scent and taste. They have not also the perception of touch. How then can they be regarded as composed of the five (primeval) elements? It seems to me that in consequence of the absence of any liquid material in them, of any heat, of any earth, of any wind, and of any empty space, trees cannot be regarded as compounds of the five (primeval) elements.

Brigu said: Without doubt, though possessed of density, trees have space within them. The putting forth of flowers and fruits is always taking place in them. They have heat within them in consequence of which leaf, bark, fruit and flower, are seen to droop. They sicken and dry up. That shows they have perception of touch. Through sound of wind and fire and thunder, their fruits and flowers drop down. Sound is perceived through the ear. Trees have, therefore, ears and do hear. A creeper winds round a tree and goes about all its sides. A blind thing cannot find its way. For this reason it is evident that trees have vision. Then again trees recover vigour and put forth flowers in consequence of odours, good and bad, of the sacred perfume of diverse kinds of Dhupas (incense). It is plain that trees have scent.

They drink water by their roots. They catch diseases of diverse kinds. Those diseases again are cured by different operations. From this it is evident that trees have perceptions of taste. As one can suck up water through a bent lotus-stalk, trees also, with the aid of the wind, drink through their roots. They are susceptible to pleasure and pain, and grow when cut or lopped off. From these circumstances I see that trees have life. They are not inanimate. Fire and wind cause the water thus sucked up to be digested. According, again, to the quantity of the water taken up, the tree advances in growth and becomes humid.

life on mars

3) System collapses at equilibrium

this makes me wonder - if we are balanced - will it all be over?
(similar to there being no life on Mars)

Distinguishing Features of Time's Arrow

Reversible Process Irreversible Process
1) Time is not an important element 1) Time plays a central role
2) Stability and order are vital 2) Instability and order are vital
3) System attains perfection at equilibrium 3) System collapses at equilibrium
4) Reversible system is a closed system 4) Irreversible system is an open system
5) Reversible process is static 5) Irreversible process is dynamic
6) Reversible process is cyclic and repetitive 6) Irreversible process is non-cyclic and non-repetitive
7) Small inputs would give small outputs huge inputs would give huge outputs 7) Small inputs of change would bring about huge out puts of change.

order and chaos

Psychological Arrow of Time

It is difficult to talk about the psychological arrow of time, because human brain is quite complicated and so far we have not understood its functions thoroughly and totally. However, some portions of thinking is understood in the light of functioning of human memory. The human memory recollects and stores past information but cannot remember the future. The past events are recorded in the mind but not the future ones. This is because of the time's directionality. The constraints imposed on the memory forbids us to peep into the future. It is time's arrow which permits memory to act in this particular way only. The computers are analogously built on the functioning of human memory. Memory is said to be remained in the chaotic form so far as it is unused but becomes orderly when it is put to use. This particular process is related with the nature of knowledge, so more will be said while considering the epistemological dimension of time's arrow.

arrow of time

In short, in the reversible process all relevant parts of the universe must be capable of being put back to how they were!

Time is not so considered to be an important ingredient in this system.

The entire Newtonian Science is of this sort.

Newton's laws, Maxwell's equations, Einstein's general relativity and even quantum mechanics- all remain effectively unaltered if we reverse the direction of time.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


In physics, the basic idea of energy is the capacity of a physical system to do "work." In physics, "work" is defined as the product of a force times the distance through which that force acts. "Energy" is a term to express the power to move things, either potential or actual. New Age spiritualism is all about empowerment. The New Age is about enhancing your energy, tapping into the energy of the universe, manipulating energy so that you can be happy, fulfilled, successful, and lovable, so life can be meaningful, significant, and endless. In short, the New Age is about becoming like God, an omnipotent, eternal being capable of magic, having the power to move things at will.

Of course, New Age energy has nothing to do with mechanics, electricity, or the nuclei of atoms. New Age energy has more to do with things like chi or prana. New Age Energy isn't measurable by any known scientific instrument and is believed to be not only the source of life, but of health as well. There are no ergs, joules, electron-volts, calories, or foot-pounds of New Age energy. This energy is outside the bounds of scientific control or study. Only healers with special powers at "unblocking," "harmonizing," "unifying," "tuning," aligning," "balancing," "channeling," or otherwise manipulating New Age energy, can measure this energy. How? They measure it by feeling it. Energy medicines are based upon variants of the metaphysical theory known as vitalism, a theory that has been dead in the West for over a century. New Age quackery often maintains that the older a theory is the more one should have faith in it.

Few things are more intimidating to the non-scientist than modern physics. Even an educated person has difficulty comprehending the most basic claims made about the entities and possible entities of the sub-atomic world, not to mention the exotic claims about entities and possible entities at the edges of the universe. Even the concepts of "sub-atomic" and "edge of the universe" boggle the mind. Perhaps it is because of the obscurity and inaccessibility of modern physics that many uneducated people scoff at science and find solace in fundamentalist religious interpretations of the origin and nature of the universe.

Another response to the seemingly transcendental nature of concepts in modern physics has been to interpret those concepts in terms of ancient metaphysical doctrines popular for thousands of years in exotic places (to the Western mind) such as India and China. This notion of a "harmony" between ancient metaphysics and modern physics is attractive to those who accept science and reject the Christian sects they were raised in, but still have spiritual longings. Believing in this notion of "harmony" between the ancient East and the modern West has the virtue of allowing one to avoid appearing to be an imbecile who rejects science in order to accept religion. As such, it shares in common at least once trait with "scientific creationism": it re-creates science in its own image for its own purposes. Science is the handmaiden of Religion and Metaphysics, as Philosophy had been for Theology in the Middle Ages.

Acting much like nuclear accelerators on atoms, the New Age theorists smash concepts into bits, only the bits are interfered with in ways Heisenberg never foresaw. We may as well talk about "alternative" physics; for, what they have done to the concepts of modern physics is to refashion them into a metaphysics with its own technology and product line. Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the New Age conception of "energy."

In conclusion, 9-year old Emily Rosa tested 21 therapeutic touch (TT) practitioners to see if they could feel her life energy when they could not see its source. The test was very simple and seems to clearly indicate that the subjects could not detect the life energy of the little girl’s hands when placed near theirs. They had a 50% chance of being right in each test, yet they correctly located Emily's hand only 44% of the time in 280 trials. If they can’t detect the energy, how can they manipulate or transfer it? What are they detecting? Dr. Dolores Krieger, one of the creators of TT, has been offered $1,000,000 by James Randi to demonstrate that she, or anyone else for that matter, can detect the human energy field. So far, Dr. Krieger has not been tested.

See also magical thinking and the New Age page of links.

further reading

Thursday, November 09, 2006

2012 - the movie!

Mayan Tzolkin 13 Moon Calendar

We are now at the end of the Dreamspell of history and at the beginning of the Dreamspell of galactic culture. This means that we are coming to the end of the belief in the male dominant, warrior hero, fear and separation paradigm. And we are preparing to move into the love based, artist hero paradigm of natural time. All we have to do is change our view of time and open ourselves to the love that is inherent in us all.

There have been many dire predictions about this time in the history of the Earth. Most common is the prediction of the end of the world. This is a misconception. It is meant to be the end of Time. An end to the old, limiting, arbitrarily imposed, artificial time, the time of the male dominant, warrior hero, separation and fear based paradigm. This paradigm is held in place by the use of the 12 month calendar and the 60 minute hour, which we refer to as 12:60 time.

The end of artificial 12:60 time signals the beginning of the return to natural time, a time in harmony with the Earth and with the natural cycles coded into the human female biological cycle, the cycle of 13 moons and 28 days. It holds within it the potential to reinstate a balanced, positive, artist hero, love and unity based paradigm. The purpose of this calendar is to make available these codes of natural time.

Time is both spiritual and physical simultaneously. This is why it is the 4th dimension. It serves to bridge between the physical and spiritual because it operates within both.

This is a monumental time in the history of the Earth. We have the opportunity to shift one of our core beliefs, the belief in time as linear. It is the 12 month calendar that holds in place the belief in the past, present and future. Time is a cycle, not a line. Each time the cycle turns we have the opportunity to make our lives better.

Yes, this is the end of time. It is also the end of the world as we know it. But, that does not mean destruction. It simply means that we are preparing to birth a new world in which we can live and love in peace, harmony and goodwill for all.

find your galactic number:

what do you think about this?

How does the E Crystal work?
This technology simply accesses and amplifies the abundance of life supporting information all around us, but that is unfortunately found at very low levels. When amplified, this E technology cocoons us with a personal environment of ordered information that brings order to any chaos information entering from without or within. This could be compared to darkness coming into light. The two cannot co-exist. This is done by gateway technology in the quantum physics arena. This allows access to existing natural information without man having to intervene and program specific information into the stones. By eliminating man's intervention, we receive consistency of result available only from our Creator. If Chaos is not ordered, it drains our energy at the DNA or cellular level. This chaos source includes but is not limited to cell phones, computers, microwave, electrical wiring and lighting, negative thoughts, both others and our own. When ordered, the free radical nature of chaos appears to be removed, therefore allowing the body to process this information without fear of damage or loss of energy. The resulting absence of energy loss, combined with the energy resources provided by the E technology, make for an abundance of vitality missing in many people's lives. Dr. Paul Yanick, Jr., Ph.D., ND, CNC states, "This technology creates quantum coherence between bio-photons, DNA intelligence. It actually creates a reduction in oxidative stress. EMFs have no effect. The body reorganizes itself. The body is able to prioritize."

What is the E Crystal�s protection radius?
The E Crystal has a field about six feet in diameter, with a stronger inner three-foot diameter field. Placing the E Crystal directly on an appliance protects any who may come near. Placing the E Crystal in your pocket offers round the clock personal environmental protection. A shirt pocket is recommended if extended cell phone use is common, although you may place the E Crystal in the pants pocket instead with excellent results. The Bovis level, or bio photon activating potential, of the E technology is close to 3.3 million.

What is the E Crystal made of?
The clear E Crystal is a silicon dioxide base with a field that remains constant. It does not need to be cleared or cleaned. It does not lose the gateway unless the E Crystal is broken. It is not adversely affected by X-ray or microwave at any strength.

do you "believe"?

The Galactic Research Institute

We live in a time when separatist nation-centered approaches and corporate self-interest not only cannot solve but actually impede the solutions to the global problems and challenges that now face us. We are in need of a higher perspective. The human lens has to be enlarged. The intensity of the global situation is pushing us into cosmic consciousness. This is the next stage of our evolution. The basis of cosmic consciousness is rooted, first of all, in the perception of the galaxy as the whole order organizing principle of cosmic life.

The Galactic Research Institute (GRI) of the Foundation for the Law of Time is dedicated to exploring this perception through the interdisciplinary study and investigation of the nature of the galaxy, galactic consciousness, galactic culture, science and communication, and galactic citizenship and the future of Earth. No such research facility exists today on this planet. The need for it could not be greater.

Galactic citizenship and the Future of Earth

Coming Soon: Full review and Summary of the Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights

In the broad vision of this Second Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights, the Earth is now in a state of hyperextended emergency. This whole system crisis defines a contextual environment referred to as the biosphere-noosphere transition. The critical deadline for facing reality and joining forces with the inevitable processes of transformation is 2012. For this reason, the Congress plans to implement an overall plan, The Thirteen Moon Operation Earth Rescue - Mission 2012. There are only six years until the deadline. It is up to us to put in motion an action peace plan, and convene our own systems of governance, asserting our biospheric rights in accord with the biosphere-noosphere transition which is now rapidly underway. >>Continue>>

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Quantum Awakening

Everything on earth is defined by a numerical configuration. All life can be reduced and explained by numbers. The currents of these numerical sequences bring into alignment a series of new understandings that will help to adjust and balance every human. The numbers on all levels align the body so it will be able to handle the higher definitions of photon light that is making its self known. Each number infusion is personalized to fit the needs of each individual. Allowing them the necessary ratio of light particles to numerical particles. As the brain adjusts to these new energies a lifting occurs allowing the individual to exit the human/animal ratio and be lifted into the human/light equation

Numbers and humans go hand in hand. From the beginning of time known we have been defined by a numerical equation whether age, birth date, weight, or the numbers of camels we have in out dowry, numbers have always seemed to be our silent partners. Nowadays when a child is born the fist thing they are given is a number that will follow them for the rest of their lives until death at which time they will be given a new number to define them. The numbers on our clocks tell us when to go, when to stop when to drink coffee, when to sleep. Numbers are as much a part of us as our flesh. The numbers are optical downloading....the eyes are an extension of the brain and when the eyes see these numbers and encoding is activated in the brain, stop worrying and just enjoy it.

do you believe this fairy tail? see link below:

The time/science of the Mayan Civilization seems to be on track. They say that by 2012 we will have moved through the 4th dimension into the 5th, regained our 12 strands of DNA (via "re-programming from the Supreme Intelligence" at the centre of our galaxy, the Milky Way), moved beyond duality (positive & negative) to pure light.

Thought forms are very important and affect our everyday life. We create our reality with thought forms. If we think negative thoughts of others this is what we attract. If we think positive thoughts we will attract positive people and events. So be aware of your thoughts and eliminate the unnecessary negative or judgmental ones.


The Mayans were highly civilised people with extraordinary skills in astronomy and mathematics. Yet, if you ask people what do they know about them, most people would answer ‘aren’t they the ones that said the world will end in 2012?‘

Sadly, that’s all most people know about them and it is a shame, for these highly civilised people invented the concept of ‘zero’ and they had names for numbers so large that we today don’t even have names for them.
The world will not end in 2012, only one of the cycles of time chartered by the Maya.

For they took notice not only of time here on earth, but they believed we were affected by galactic seasons as well.

We all accept that the solar system has a timetable and the planets all move predictably in a certain pattern. The Maya believed that beyond that were cycles of movement involving our whole galaxy as it speeds through our universe.

The count that ends in 2012, is a count that charts a galactic season over 5,000 years long. They saw the Planet Earth as being affected by this season and they believed we were going through a ‘beam’ where the centre of the universe ‘Hunab Ku’ was emitting a transmission via our sun.

This ‘transmission’ ends 2012.

The Hunab Ku symbol.

The end date is not agreed by leading experts because no one is exactly sure of when the calendar began. Some say it was Aug 11. 3,114 B.C and some say it was Aug 13. 3,114 B.C. This problem arose because of trying to translate the Mayan calendar to our calendar which changed along the way from
Julian to Gregorian. Therefore the great cycle of 5,125 years either ends Dec 21st 2012 or Dec 23rd 2012.

When they began this cycle of time back in August 3,114 B.C they wrote it like this :

In 2012, the date is again written symbolising the end of the great cycle.

Furthermore leading expert Jose Arguelles suggest that the end date is more likely to be 2013.
This seems logical because the Mayan Calendar is based on the numbers 20 and 13 .

What the outcome will be is disputed but it is anticipated that there will be definite changes.The world will not end but our perception of the world will end and become something different. With world events being as dramatic as they are now it is not hard to imagine that in 2012 something big could happen.

The classical Maya period was between 300 A.D. and 800 A.D and during this time they built their impressive temples and pyramids and were charting solstices and calculating great numbers. Then they disappeared. No one knows for sure what happened to them. Some believe it was a natural disaster such as a drought that killed them all off. Some believe it was political upheaval and they all met a bloody end. Some believe they simply ‘beamed up’ en masse.

They were certainly a mysterious race and the calendar that is their legacy is the greatest mystery of all.
All we can do why we wait and see it through
to the end is to follow the calendar daily and hope it reveals their secrets.

In this section we take a look at 2012 prophecies including Jose Arguelles.

We also look at Nostradamus whose 2012 prophecy is uncanny.

The Celestine Prophecy also deserves a mention here because the 9 insights mentioned in the
story were supposedly written by the Maya.

The Hopi have their own vision of the future which is fascinating.

Terence McKenna came to his on conclusion about the great end date using a computer program and the i Ching.

In 2012 Miscellenous you can find out about all the other 2012 prophecies.

asymmetrical behavior

The Universe contains matter but very little antimatter. It is thought likely that in the first moments after the big bang there were equal amounts of matter and antimatter produced.

[What happened to the antimatter?]

If they had stayed equal, then the Universe today would be very uninteresting because all the matter and antimatter would have disappeared by the process:

matter + matching antimatterright arrowradiation

so no galaxies, no stars, no planets, and no people would be around today!


Mandelbrot Set Magnification

As Above, So Below

We are born and die, we wake up and fall asleep, the sun rises and sets, we breathe in and out. There are basic patterns and structure to time and space that provide a unifying coherence. As the mystic sages of long ago put it, "as above, so below."

order and chaos

Chaos is all around us and within us. Chaos destroys and creates. Chaos is the spontaneous, unpredictable movement of the universe. Chaos is change, the only constant. As the essence of unpredictability, chaos scares many. Scientists, in their ongoing quest to rationalize, understand and Order the universe, have been reluctant for centuries to acknowledge the tides of Chaos. In this century they are finally doing so; the funny thing about this being that by acknowledging and trying to understand chaos, they are inadvertantly ordering it, fitting chaotic phenomena into their systems of analysis. And yet, is there not some kind of undefinable order inherent within the chaos of the universe anyway? And is not all order, no matter how scrupulously organized, still ultimately subject to the winds of change and the tides of chaos?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Energy Research Corp. has developed a product they believe can effect (heal), even to the cellular level, with no physical contact. It is based on quantum energy. The results of their beta test with 600 volunteers over 8 months is astonishing.

Understanding a Secret of the Universe

Below are three astonishing experiments with DNA which proves that DNA can heal itself according to the "feelings" of the individual as reported recently by Gregg Braden. In his recent program entitled Healing Hearts/Healing Nations: The Science of Peace and the Power of Prayer, Gregg Braden discussed how in the past we lost huge amounts of information from ancient spiritual traditions (when the library at Alexandria burned we lost at least 532,000 documents), and that there may be information in those traditions which could help us understand some of the mysteries of science. To this end he reported on three very interesting experiments. Gregg Braden started off as a scientist and engineer, before he began pursuing these larger questions.


The first experiment reported was done by Dr.Vladimir Poponin, a quantum biologist. In this experiment, first a container was emptied (i.e. a vacuum was created within it), and then the only thing left photons (particles of light) they measured the distribution (ie the location) of the photons and found they were completely random inside the container. This was the expected result.

Then some DNA was placed inside the container and the distribution (location) of the photons was remeasured. This time the photons were LINED UP in an ORDERED way and aligned with the DNA. In other words the physical DNA had an effect on the non- physical photons.

After that, the DNA was removed from the container, and the distribution of the photons was measured again. The photons REMAINED ORDERED and lined up where the DNA had been. What are the light particles connected to?

Gregg Braden says we are forced to accept the possibility that some NEW field of energy, a web of energy, is there and the DNA is communicating with the photons through this energy.


These were experiments done by the military. Leukocytes (white blood cells) were collected for DNA from donors and placed into chambers so they could measure electrical changes. In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to "emotional stimulation" consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor. The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in time.

The military wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; no transmission time.

The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time. What can this mean? Gregg Braden says it means that living cells communicate through a previously unrecognized form of energy. This energy is not affected by time and distance. This is a non- local form of energy, an energy that already exists everywhere, all the time.


The third experiment was done by the Institute of Heart Math and the paper that was written about this was titled: Local and Non local Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on Conformational Changes of DNA. (Disregard the title! The info is incredible.)

This is the experiment that relates directly to the anthrax situation. In this experiment, some human placenta DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in a container from which they could measure changes in the DNA. Twenty-eight vials of DNA were given (one each) to 28 trained researchers. Each researcher had been trained how to generate and FEEL feelings, and they each had strong emotions.

What was discovered was that the DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE according to the feelings of the researchers:
1. When the researchers FELT gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded by RELAXING and the strands unwound. The length of the DNA became longer.

2. When the researchers FELT anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA responded by TIGHTENING UP. It became shorter and SWITCHED OFF many of our DNA codes! If you've ever felt "shut down" by negative emotions, now you know why your body was equally shut down too. The shut down of the DNA codes was reversed and the codes were switched back on again when feelings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation were felt by the researchers.

This experiment was later followed up by testing HIV positive patients. They discovered that feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE they had without those feelings. So here's the answer to what can help you stay well, no matter what dreadful virus or bacteria may be floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and appreciation!

These emotional changes went beyond the effects of electro- magnetics. Individuals trained in deep love were able to change the shape of their DNA. Gregg Braden says this illustrates a new recognized form of energy that connects all of creation. This energy appears to be a TIGHTLY WOVEN WEB that connects all matter. Essentially we're able to influence this web of creation through our VIBRATION.

SUMMARY: What do the results of these experiments have to do with our present situation? This is the science behind how we can choose a timeline to stay safe, no matter what else is happening. As Gregg explains in The Isaiah Effect, basically time is not just linear (past, present and future), but it also has depth. The depth of time consists of all the possible prayers and timelines that could ever be prayed or exist. Essentially, all our prayers have already been answered. We just activate the one we're living through our FEELINGS.

THIS is how we create our reality - by choosing it with our feelings. Our feelings are activating the timeline via the web of creation, which connects all of the energy and matter of the Universe.

Remember that the law of the Universe is that we attract what we focus on. If you are focused on fearing whatever may come, you are sending a strong message to the Universe to send you whatever you fear. Instead if you can get yourself into feelings of joy, love, appreciation or gratitude, and focus on bringing more of that into your life, you are going to avoid the negative stuff automatically.

You will be choosing a different TIMELINE with your feelings. You can prevent getting anthrax or any other flu, virus, etc, by staying in these positive feelings, which maintains an incredibly strong immune system. So here's your protection for whatever comes: Find something to be happy about every day, and every hour if possible,moment-to- moment, even if only for a few minutes. This is the easiest and best protection you can have. If nothing else, be joyous that the criminals have "already been caught" by the Universe!

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wabi sabi

A comparison between modernism and wabi-sabi.


A logical, rational world-view


Looks for universal,
prototypical solutions

Mass-produced/ modula

Expresses faith in progres


Believes in the control of nature

Romanticizes technology

People adapting to machines

Geometric organization of form
(sharp, precise, and edges)

The box as metaphor
(rectilinear, precise, contained)

Artificial materials

Ostensibly slick

Needs to be well-maintained

Is intolerant of ambiguity and contradiction


An intuitive world-view


Looks for personal,
idiosyncratic solutions


There is no progress


Believes in the fundamental uncontrollability of nature

Romanticizes nature

People adapting to nature

Organic organization of form
(soft, vague shapes and edges)

The bowl as metaphor
(free shape, open at top)

Natural materials

Ostensibly crude

Accommodates to degradation and attrition

Is comfortable with ambiguity and contradiction

To every thing there is a season

Monday, November 06, 2006

pretty fun!

Legal note: this is supposed to be a joke. Don't ever stick a fork (or any other cutlery) in an electric outlet.

What is needed

  • One cat or a piece of something fuzzy (you don't have to use a cat; a Polarfleece jacket works nicely)
  • A carpeted floor

What to do

  • If your cat does not seem to mind being pushed around the floor (NOT by the tail!) get him/her. (Note: please don't do anything that upsets your cat! If the cat objects, STOP!)
  • Find a carpeted room with room to move the cat around that is also fairly dark.
  • Turn off the lights and find the cat in the dark.
  • Slowly begin to push/drag the cat slowly along the carpet on his/her side. What happens?
  • Try different speeds and see what happens.
  • If you did not have a cat, try the above steps with your something fuzzy.

What is happening

Cats, and other fuzzy objects, will build up static when drawn across a carpet. You might see sparks flashing between the two! Static forms because of this: when different materials (say, carpet and cat fur) are in contact, one might have a greater liking for electrons than the other. It will then pull electrons away. This means that one material will end up with too many electrons, and the other too little. By moving the cat across the carpet, you increase the area of fur exposed to the carpet, and so you increase the charge transferred until ZAP! Sparks fly!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The probable medical origin of the single serpent around a rod: In ancient times infection by parasitic worms was common. The filarial worm Dracunculus medinensis aka "the fiery serpent", aka "the dragon of Medina" aka "the guinea worm" crawled around the victim's body, just under the skin. Physicians treated this infection by cutting a slit in the patient's skin, just in front of the worm's path. As the worm crawled out the cut, the physician carefully wound the pest around a stick until the entire animal had been removed. It is believed that because this type of infection was so common, physicians advertised their services by displaying a sign with the worm on a stick.

I thought David might find this interesting - researching symbols

The hidden Power of Subtle Energy

Everything is energy. Some energy can be seen, like the waves of heat rising from a desert high­way in August. Some energy can be heard: Listen now for the sounds in your back­ground; are there birds? traffic noises? the hum of an appliance? Other energies are felt (sensed)—the warmth of your lover sneaking up behind you or the biting cold of wind and sleet against your face.

What is the fragrance of a fresh young pine tree but its essence communicating with you on the air vibrating around you?

Why do women’s bodies release comforting oxytosins at the very sight of a baby?

Certain energies are easy to observe. Consider the quieting you feel when sitting by a babbling brook. You know energy is moving the water, even if it is as simple as the interaction of water and gravity.

Other energies–“solid” energies—interact more sharply with the water, energies in the forms of boulders, rocks and fallen trees. When the water hits the rocks, splashes and imperceptible mists are released—actions that deliver soothing sounds, humidification, and aeration for the living things in the water.

The total environment of the brook, including your sitting on a mossy rock beside it, is involved with the brook’s energy. You are receiving it, feeling it, being acted upon by it, and, science has proven this: You are also affecting the thing you observe, both by looking and by your presence.

"One of the fundamental laws of quantum physics says that an event in the subatomic world exists in all possible states until the act of observing or measuring it "freezes" it, or pins it down to a single state."

from The Field, by Lynne Mc Taggart, Award-winning journalist and author

You press the rock upon which you sit 1/1000th of a millimeter deeper into the ground. The ground presses against tree roots, other rocks, and the streambed itself. A millimeter of loosened mud is washed away by a drop of water, the drop moves inward and the bank is forever changed because you sat there today. And so are you.