Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Galactic Research Institute

We live in a time when separatist nation-centered approaches and corporate self-interest not only cannot solve but actually impede the solutions to the global problems and challenges that now face us. We are in need of a higher perspective. The human lens has to be enlarged. The intensity of the global situation is pushing us into cosmic consciousness. This is the next stage of our evolution. The basis of cosmic consciousness is rooted, first of all, in the perception of the galaxy as the whole order organizing principle of cosmic life.

The Galactic Research Institute (GRI) of the Foundation for the Law of Time is dedicated to exploring this perception through the interdisciplinary study and investigation of the nature of the galaxy, galactic consciousness, galactic culture, science and communication, and galactic citizenship and the future of Earth. No such research facility exists today on this planet. The need for it could not be greater.

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