Wednesday, September 27, 2006


so yes - synchronicity happens to me all the time - or should I say I am a witness to synchronicity?

I read all those links and kept looking for some real explanation or clearer understanding of what this can be attributed to, and could not find one. It seemed like the same thing was said repeatedly and yet nothing at all.

My personal experiences today seem to be just on purpose so I could blog about them.

I sat down to do my homework for physics - and distracted as always - thought - oh just let me type in chinese herbs employment in google just to see what happens. What I found was what I think could be the perfect job (my fingers are crossed). I have been trying to explain to my career counselors (that were assigned to me as a recently laid off graphic designer) and they say politely - "hhmm" sales and marketing - ok" - but they do not see what I am seeing. Now I can send this description and say - "like this" and they will know what I mean. There is one guy who specializes in writing resumes - one lady who helps with interviews, one guy who does testing (meyers briggs)

THEN _ as if that was not enough - this link lead to me Acupuncture without Borders - something I thought I would not have the opportunity to get involved with until many ....many.......years down the road. And they ("of course" I say because synchronicity being what it is) - are looking for a graphic designer.
Graphic Design We are looking for individuals with graphic design experience to create print materials for AWB on an ongoing or as needed basis. If you are interested in volunteering now or in the future please email AWB at We look forward to hearing from you!

OK _ so THEN - I though -ok I'm stressing out - I should call AIMC clinic and make an appointment - and so I do. I get an appointment after being told the many choices - and who do I get - 2:15 - with Kina - why do I know that name? OH - she's the woman who had the Psychology class last semester who might sell me her book - and I've been trying to get in touch with......ok - now I really ahve to sit down and put all this in the blog - it's just too ridiculous!


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