Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The rochester center for mind-body research (rcmbr)

In August of 2004, Drs. Jan Moynihan and Paul Duberstein received R21 funding from the National Institute on Aging to create the Rochester Center for Mind-Body Research. (RCMBR). The RCMBR has built an infrastructure bringing together faculty with diverse backgrounds, creating an environment that generates inquiry about mind-body interactions in middle-aged and older adults. RCMBR research is organized around three health outcomes of considerable public health significance, each having central immunological components: cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases (psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis), and vaccine responses (such as the response to influenza vaccine).

The overarching goal of the RCMBR is to support infrastructure and research designed to enhance the quality and quantity of mind-body and health research. Building on the pioneering work done by Dr. Robert Ader and his collegues in the field of psychoneuroimmunology research, the vision and mission of the RCMBR is driven by the long standing history of collaborative research in psychoneuroimmunology and developmental health psychology, with special emphasis on the idea that mind-body relationships are moderated by age.

The RCMBR facilitates collaboration among biologists, social scientists, and practicing physicians from academic units within the University of Rochester Medical Center and the College of Arts and Sciences. Researchers from the University of Rochester serve on our Internal Advisory Board (IAB) as well as nine additional collaborating institutions that serve on our External Advisory Board (EAB). They all contribute to the RCMBR’s efforts, either as investigators, members of the board, or as mentors for junior faculty pursuing K awards or other funding mechanisms.

For more information or to contact us:

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