Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Walk-in is an ancient concept first described in Hinduism whose modern name originated in the Spiritualist faith and was popularised by the related, but not identical New Age movements and beliefs. A walk-in is thought to be a person whose original soul has departed his or her body and been replaced with a new soul.

Walk-ins first appear in Hindu sacred literature. In Hindu belief, each person is comprised of several bodies, including the physical, astral, mental, refined, and so on. The only essence that is not a body, and therefore not tranferrable, is the Atman. So according to this belief system, a walk-in, as described in the book Merging with Siva by Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, can take one or many of these bodies.


Scott Mandelker wrote a book called From Elsewhere describing the feeling of being from another planet who has wandered here at this time in Earth's planetary transition.

Wanderers are thought of as souls connected to another place, planet, or realm, who have come here on a mission, after which they will return home. That is true of all souls in this experiement, though Wanderers often to feel disassociated. They do not always remember what their mission is, as the 'mission feeling' is present in the DNA codes of all humans.

Sometimes Wanderers believe they have come here to prepare humanity for coming changes - perhaps a visit from ET's or moving into love and light, etc. All awakened souls ... moving through the healing process into balance and higher consciousness, move into this line of thought. It is not special, and becomes more common in the passages of time.

A wanderer who cannot find their mission will become depressed and can develop fear, panic and anxiety, attracting various negative paranormal experiences. Again ... it is important to determine if the person has a mental illness.

All souls are wanderers to this experiment, experiencing in many realities simultaneously. It will soon end at Zero Point when we leave the physical and return to higher consicounsess as soul sparks of light.


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